Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Have you ever been reading something at random and there is a little passage in it that seems to be speaking out to you or that is answers a situation that is going on in your life at that time? well that happened to me last night, I was reading the Ensign (LDS magazine) and I was looking through it and as I stopped and read something President Thomas S. Monson said in the April conference this year I couldn't stop but think about the words.

"In order for us to make the correct decisions, courage is needed-- the courage to say no when we should, the courage to say yes when that is appropriate, the courage to do the right thing because it is right..... Inner courage also includes doing the right thing even though we may be afraid, defending our beliefs at the risk of being ridiculed and maintaining those beliefs even when threatened with loss of friends or of social status..... As we move forward, striving to live as we should, we will surely receive help from The Lord and can find comfort in his words"

I think sometimes it is easy to say that when the time comes you will say the correct thing no matter what the outcome may be but will it? and yes there are times were it is easy because from the very start you have made the decision to do a certain action ie a friend offers you a smoke, I would find that easy to decline but there are also harder things to decide. I have found myself lately questioning myself and if I should do a certain thing and the reason why things have stopped me is because of what others might think of me not what the Lord would think of me.

We should never fear men we should only fear God!!

- Courtney

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