Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hello 2014


So have you made your new years resolutions yet? and if not are you? I have made my list and I have put it up in my room. Some things I have put down are going to be easy I just need to start and then there are others that will take more time and hard work put into it for it to happen.

How is the first day of 2014 going for you? I am loving it!! I am so thankful for everything. I am alive, I have a loving husband with friends and family I can also share my life with. I am turning 24 years old this year, a little scary but also exciting.I have booked my full licence test, I am looking to get my career to where I want it to be.

There are so many things the new year will bring and I cannot wait for it to all unfold before me!

- Courtney

Sunday, December 29, 2013

The End Of The Year Is Here

It has come to this time of year again when everyone is starting to think how the year has gone and what they did in it.

Some may think about where they want their life to be or how they see themselves and if life is not ideal to what they are wanting, this is the time of year where everyone seems to try and change things.

Some people do end up changing themselves or their life for the better but there are a lot that start and within the first month - 5 months they stop doing it.

Its not that I personally don't believe in new years resolutions myself but I find that I am one of the person at the end of the year not being able to tick off anything I set out to do.

This year I have been able to tick of a few but not everything, not the ones that I have had of my list for years and I have recently found five tips that can help with having new years resolutions and keeping them until the end of the year and having them all done.

1. Tell your friends and family about your goals - This way you have people that can help by checking if you are on track and giving you support where ever you need it.

2. Get a friend [or lots of friends] involved - This is most like the first tip but also get make things fun example: trying to lose weight with friends can make things a lot more fun and enjoyable then doing it alone.

3. Write everything down: your goals, your progress, how your feeling etc. - It's good to have how things are going written down just so you can see if everything is going the way it should and if anything needs to be re-assisted.

4. PLAN! - planning ahead with help you stay of track and keep your goals. having more than just the title down example: 1. MOVING OUT. have a plan down that you can achieve this. example: look for suitable places, making sure you are financially ready, etc. 

5. Reward yourself with "good behaviour" with things that help you relax - little mile stones along your journey to what ever your destination is giving yourself little rewards or reminders that you are on the right path and your closer to your goal than you were at the beginning.

I hope that when you start to fill out your new years resolutions that you think about these five tips and 1 last thing be realistic! yes its good to dream big but if your goals are not realistic you well get deterred and stop so keep that in mind and that by the end of 2014 you can be proud of yourself for achieving what you set out to do at the start of the year.

- Courtney