Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Success in 2014

Today is the 22nd day in the first month of the year and I have already accomplished a few of my new years resolutions and I have made process in my career. 

I have gained my full licence!! I can finally relax and not worry about doing any more tests to get to the next level in driving, I am at the top level nothing but clear skies from here.

I am finally putting together a workout routine for the gym so I will be more focus and will be going there more often. Mondays I will be training my arms/chest/back Tuesday-Wednesday Cardio Thursday-Friday I am still working out if I will be going because of work and Saturday Legs. Now that is just the basic structure of it I must mix it up or do more than one thing I day depending on how I am feeling as there are a lot of classes I can take and I want to try them all and work out which ones I like the most and which ones I do not like at all and mix them up in my routine.

the biggest news of this post. I am moving up in my job!! I had a chat with work today and found out that one of the other girls is leaving us to go off and do her own thing and because of that they need someone to fill her extra hours and they will bring someone else in and take my old hours. This couldn't of come at a better time with us moving out and any extra money is always welcome. Also they want to give my more responsibility at work which is awesome!! be nice being the new girl anymore.

- Courtney

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Trying To Keep The Peace

So recently it seems that I have been having some issues with certain people in my life and who they are to me I cant just kick them out of my life. I have tried to talk things through with them and trying to get them to see it from my point of view and how they are making me feel but they either just shrug it off, take it too personally or say that its none of my business and to stay out of it. I know that with some of it they really don't know they are doing it but it still hurts. So I just keep it inside now and let them be. 

I know I shouldn't be keeping it inside but I am not completely I do tell my husband what happens and he can see it too so we have each other to work things out and calm me down.

Do you have someone in your life that even though you cannot stand them you have to keep them in your life... Mother, Sibling, Father, Teacher, Colleague or even your Boss? What do you do to help you get through it or have you just declared that they are dead to you?

I have gotten to the point of looking on the Internet for help. I have found some tips

1. forgot the past - take it one day at a time but forgot the past and all they have done. 

2. Laugh it off - Rise above the petty arguments and the unloving comments don't take the advice or nitpicking too seriously, in they eyes they think they know what's best for you.

3. keep it short and sweet - you don't have to spend a lot of time with them especially if you don't need too. plan your day, plan what you are going to say so then it comes time to talk to them that you can say what needs to be said and then say you need to go with insert important event that can only be done that day, don't just leave.

4. Remember its not always you -  The reasons to why the person is acting the way they do to you may not be your fault at all, it could be something that they are going through and the only way they can cope may seem rude on the outside to you but really on the inside they are hurting more then you will ever know.

Keep these things in mind when you are faced with someone or a group of people that just don't seem to be giving you a break!

- Courtney