Monday, July 30, 2012

Just Another Monday At College...

It's Monday today that means I have spa for the first part of the day and then in the afternoon go up stairs for Diathermy and Microdermabrasion.  For the past 2 weeks our spa teacher has been on holiday to Vietnam But she was back today so we got to do some practical.
Today we worked on the Indian head massage, It wasn't too bad. From what I saw from it I thought you just pulled the hair and I didn't want to be the client for that. Yes there was a part somewhat where we "pulled" the hair but it was more we closed our hands gently and what ever pulling came from that was it, which wasn't much as all unless they were doing it very rough. The treatment itself is very relaxing and stimulating at the same time

In the afternoon we started Diathermy and that is very scary for a beginner. Most of the class couldn't do it, not even able to look at the demonstration. What happens is a therapist uses a needle and puts it into lets say for example a broken capillary and reduces the appearance of it. of course that's very brief and not detailed at all but If you want to learn more and like the before and after photo on the left, I suggest you google it or ask questions at a spa/salon that does Diathermy Treatments BUT be warned that this treatment does have a burning sensation.

- Courtney

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Playing around with my camera

I wanted to look at my camera more and I was taking pictures on different settings and  of random things and by accident I took this picture of my mum and its looks like we have a ghost in our house !!

This was of the the roses I got from my fiance. Just taking a bunch of pictures and I think this one came out the nicest out of all of them.

- Courtney

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Food tour for a diabetic!

Today I went to Coles with a group of people that signed up for a tour around the supermarket to get more of an insight on eating properly for a diabetics. the tour targets diabetes but if you really think about it the tips we were given can help everyone with a nice healthy diet, Just this tour focuses more on avoiding sugar and ways to keeps your blood sugar levels at the right level. I want to share some of the tips that were shared in todays tour.
Before shopping

Create a shopping list before going shopping.
Research store deals and promotions to find the best buys.
Eat before you go shopping.

While at the supermarket

stay on the perimeter of the supermarket first. this is where the healthiest foods are located.
Once you have gone around the perimeter, if they is something you need in the middle, get it last.
Stick to your shopping list. 

After you arrive home

Refrigerate all perishable foods immediately.
freeze frozen food immediately
store pumpkins, onions and potatoes in a cool, dry place.
store other vegetables in the crisper, separate from fruit.
put snack food and unhealthy items in a cupboard, out of eyesight to prevent temptation.

Healthy Choices

Lean Meat [beef, lamb or mince]
Chicken or turkey without the skin
Fish and seafood [ tinned or fresh]
Variety of fruit and Vegetables in all colours
for freshness, choose in season
tin fruit in natural juice
whole meal or whole grain breads
Avoid white bread, muffins, pastries etc.
Low fat milk, cheese and yoghurt not full cream!
limit eggs to 6 yolks per week
Rice - brown, basmati or doongara
pasta and other grains - barly, quinoa or cous cous
Avoid frozen pastry, meat pies and frozen convenience foods.
Oils - Vegetable, Canola or Olive.

I hope these have been some great tips for you as they have been for me.

- Courtney

Background check....


My name is Courtney. I am the creator of this blog and I thought it would be good if I share a little bit about myself so this can be a little bit of a reference point I suppose to you all in understanding the things I post about sometimes so it doesn't seem that random.

I am based in Sydney, Australia. I live with my Family. I have a Mother and a Father, a big brother [Blake] and little sister [Bethany]. My big Brother is married and starting his own family. Blake's wife is Kira and they have a son [my cute nephew] Dieter. I have been married and now divorced at 26.

I go to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. I love the gospel and am so grateful to have it in my life. One of the programs in the Church is YSA, which I am a part of. Its really good going out and doing activities with people my age and also share the same beliefs.

I am a pretty ordinary girl, I like to do everything, indoor things like watching movies, music, dancing, scrapbooking etc, to the outdoor things like hiking, camping, photography, hanging with friends etc.

I am a diabetic, I've known since 2009 and it's hard to not want sugar!! so even though I have cut down so much I've still got a long way to go, being young and going out all the time doesnt help either but I am trying.

If you have any questions just let me know.

- Courtney

p.s. If I remember anything else I will just have to make another post and fill you guys in.